February 22, 2025

Central Luzon Business Week

Central Luzon's first and only business paper.

CDC, gov’t agencies to improve services at Clark’s one-stop center

CLARK FREEPORT— Clark Development Corporation (CDC) in collaboration with other government agencies will push for more convenient and seamless services at the One Stop Processing Center (OSPC), in line with the efforts to improve ease of doing business in this Freeport.

In a meeting attended by executives from various government agencies, CDC President and CEO Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera emphasized the importance of strengthening the collaboration among agencies at the OSPC in order to improve services, processes, and policies that will provide convenience to the public.

“I would really like to hype the strengthening of our one-stop-shop but that will be the result of this meeting – on how we can improve. We must be able to identify what commitments you can give,” Devanadera added.

The state-owned firm together with the other agencies will also look into having a “one-stop shop on wheels” which will be mobilized to locator companies in order to accommodate their employee’s needs on-site, especially those with more than a thousand workers.

CDC President and CEO Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera recently met with the head of various government agencies providing services at the One Stop Processing Center (OSPC) in Clark. (CDC-CD Photo)

Aside from this, Devanadera also aims to improve the mass transportation system going to and from OSPC in order to make the satellite offices accessible to the public. She also assured that she will conduct site inspections to ensure efficient services.

“Rest assured that I will be dropping by every now and then or I will be sending someone who will test how far we have come with our one-stop shop. This is a one-stop shop, maybe, equal to the government to our constituents. Let’s bring this closer to our clientele,” she mentioned.

Among those who were present during the activity are Social Security System (SSS) Branch Head II Normita M. Cruz, Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) Acting Vice President for PRO III Edgardo F. Faustino, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Clark Officer-in-Charge Jose Roberto L. Navata, and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) PAMDO Chief Atty. Ryner Bergada.

Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) Regional Coordinator Winnie Frida M. Palma, Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) Supervisor for Clark Unit Reginald Mercado, Philippine Postal Corporation (PPC) Area Director Merma Lea R. Abalos, Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) Claims Division Chief Raquel Cajuguiran, Pag-IBIG Fund Branch Head Evelyn D. Peña, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) OIC for Programs Services Division Mayolito B. David, and LGU-Mabalacat Civil Registrar Victor Terry A. Medina were also in attendance, among others.

The OSPC was inaugurated on September 16, 2016, and created to house the said agencies that will provide services to locators, workers, investors, and residents, including Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in the Clark Freeport Zone (CFZ) and beyond.

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